Considering the start of works on the construction of the Decebal - Tudor Vladimirescu Passage, we remind travelers that, starting from June 22, 2024, tram traffic on lines 1, 3, 5 and 7 will be suspended. Tram lines 2, 4, 6 and 8 continue to circulate, respecting the usual routes. Tram traffic will be replaced by buses that will run on lines T8 and T9, respecting the following routes:
Line T8 – towards 1 Decembrie Park: Olosig Park – Decebal Blvd – Sf. Apostol Andrei – Centenarului Bridge – Principatele Unite – Unirii Square – Traian Moşoiu – 1 Decembrie Park;
Line T8 - towards Olosig Park: 1 Decembrie Park - Independence Square - United Principalities - Centenary Bridge - St. Apostol Andrei – Decebal – Olosig Park.
Line T9 - towards Andrei Şaguna: Olosig Park - B-dul Decebal - Constantin Brâncoveanu - Oneştilor - Kaufland Ioşia - Emanuel Church - Andrei Şaguna;
Line T9 - towards Olosig Park: Andrei Şaguna - Ştefan Octavian Iosif - Oneştilor - Constantin Brâncoveanu - B-dul Decebal - Olosig Park.
Tram line 9 will be established, with the following route: Nufărul – Ceyrat – University – Liceul Teologic Baptist Emanuel – Unirii Square – Central Station – Olosig Park – CFR Bridge and return on the same route.